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Twas the night before Christmas


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Democrats were packing their bags following the mid-term election rouse
Legislation was sitting on the President’s desk with care,
In hopes that health care reform would soon be fair.

The tax extension plan was nestled in the minds of the wealthy,
While fear spread that the US deficit would soon be unhealthy.
And Obama touting a recovery more robust,
As unemployment rates were received with massive disgust.

When out in the European Union, some countries battled through snow,
And analysts continued to wonder if contagion would soon grow.
China’s monetary tightening and Korean war fears
Were all recent issues as New Year’s Eve nears.

Yet gains were made this year despite investors sitting on cash,
The resulting effect of May’s flash crash.
Gold rallied to an all-time new high
Leading investors to take notice and buy, buy, buy.

The Gulf Oil spill was no doubt a troubling time,
As BP worked hard to clean up all that grime.
From April highs to July lows,
Double dip recession concerns were among significant woes.

Insiders were probed into trades from Apple to Merck
All based on information received from expert networks.
Let’s not forget the banks that were widely viewed as flawed,
With huge bonus payouts and massive foreclosure fraud.

So raise a toast to the year that’s through,
And to the year ahead as gains continue to accrue.
The year was eventful, a traders delight.
So “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”

Don and Jon Vialoux are research analysts for JovInvestment Management Inc. All of the views expressed herein are the personal views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of JovInvestment Management Inc., although any of the recommendations found herein may be reflected in positions or transactions in the various client portfolios managed by JovInvestment Management Inc

The Horizons AlphaPro Seasonal Rotation ETF (trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange under symbol HAC) uses a proprietary, seasonal rotation investment strategy developed by research analysts Don Vialoux and Brooke Thackray. The strategy’s core position consists of broad markets at seasonally favourable times of the year and money market securities at seasonally unfavourable times of the year. The strategy allocates from the core portfolio to various sectors when those sectors offer favourable opportunities. Rotating a portfolio in anticipation of these opportunities is designed to deliver returns that are superior to a static investment in broad markets. As seasonal periods are never the same, this investment strategy is supported by additional fundamental and technical analysis.

For more information, Click Here.


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