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Nikkei 225 USD Futures (NK) Seasonal Chart

Nikkei 225 USD Futures (NK) Seasonal Chart

The above chart represents the seasonality for Nikkei 225 USD Futures (NK) Continuous Contract for the past 19 years.

  • Date range: January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2009
  • Type: Index Futures – US
  • Symbol: NK

Nikkei 225 USD Futures Continuous Contract Seasonality

Analysis has revealed that with a buy date of March 15 and a sell date of April 5, investors have benefited from a total return of 68.54% over the last 10 years. This scenario has shown positive results in 9 of those periods.

Conversely, the best return over the maximum number of positive periods reveals a buy date of April 29 and a sell date of May 5, producing a total return over the same 10-year range of 19.36% with positive results in 10 of those periods.

The buy and hold return for the past 10 years was -50.16%.

**Results shown are compounded


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