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S&P 400 MIDCAP Index (^MID) Seasonal Chart

S&P 400 MIDCAP Index (^MID) Seasonal Chart

The above chart represents the seasonality for the S&P 400 MIDCAP Index (^MID) for the past 18 years.

  • Date range: January 1, 1992 to December 31, 2009
  • Type: Index – US
  • Symbol: .MID, ^MID

S&P 400 MIDCAP Index (^MID) Seasonality

Analysis has revealed that with a buy date of October 25 and a sell date of June 4, investors have benefited from a total return of 246.88% over the last 10 years. This scenario has shown positive results in 9 of those periods.

Conversely, the best return over the maximum number of positive periods reveals a buy date of October 19 and a sell date of June 1, producing a total return over the same 10-year range of 232.38% with positive results in 10 of those periods.

**Results shown are compounded


How to Invest

  • iShares S&P MidCap 400 Index (ETF) (Public, NYSE:IJH) – Info – iShares S&P MidCap 400 Index Fund (the Fund) seeks investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the S&P MidCap 400 Index (the Index). The Index measures the performance of the mid-capitalization sector of the United States equity market, and consists of stocks that have a market capitalization between $1.5 billion and $5.5 billion (which may fluctuate depending on the overall level of the equity markets). The Fund invests in a representative sample of securities included in the Index that collectively has an investment profile similar to the Index. The Fund’s investment advisor is BlackRock Fund Advisors.  Expense Ratio: 0.21%


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